Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Internet Archive. Software license AGPL version 3. This file is part of BookReader. BookReader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BookReader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with BookReader. If not, see . */ class BookReaderMeta { // Fields from _meta.xml to add to response (if present) var $metaFields = array( 'title' => 'title', 'author' => 'author', 'publisher' => 'publisher', 'date' => 'date', 'language' => 'language', 'contributor' => 'contributor', 'collection' => 'collection', 'page-progression' => 'pageProgression', 'ppi' => 'ppi', ); var $metaDefaults = array( 'pageProgression' => 'lr', ); // Stash spot for callback data... where are closures when we need them? static $cbData = NULL; // Builds metadata object (to be encoded as JSON) function buildMetadata($id, $itemPath, $subPrefix, $server) { $response = array(); if ("" == $id) { $this->BRFatal("No identifier specified!"); } if ("" == $itemPath) { $this->BRFatal("No itemPath specified!"); } if ("" == $server) { $this->BRFatal("No server specified!"); } if (!preg_match("|^/\d+/items/{$id}$|", $itemPath)) { $this->BRFatal("Bad id!"); } $filesDataFile = "$itemPath/${id}_files.xml"; if (file_exists($filesDataFile)) { $filesData = simplexml_load_file("$itemPath/${id}_files.xml"); } else { $this->BRfatal("File metadata not found!"); } $imageStackInfo = $this->findImageStack($subPrefix, $filesData); if ($imageStackInfo['imageFormat'] == 'unknown') { $this->BRfatal('Couldn\'t find image stack'); } // Update subPrefix -> may have been autodetected $subPrefix = $imageStackInfo['subPrefix']; $subItemPath = $itemPath . '/' . $subPrefix; $imageFormat = $imageStackInfo['imageFormat']; $archiveFormat = $imageStackInfo['archiveFormat']; $imageStackFile = $itemPath . "/" . $imageStackInfo['imageStackFile']; if ("unknown" == $imageFormat) { $this->BRfatal("Unknown image format"); } if ("unknown" == $archiveFormat) { $this->BRfatal("Unknown archive format"); } $scanDataFile = "${subItemPath}_scandata.xml"; $scanDataZip = "$itemPath/"; if (file_exists($scanDataFile)) { $this->checkPrivs($scanDataFile); $scanData = simplexml_load_file($scanDataFile); } else if (file_exists($scanDataZip)) { $this->checkPrivs($scanDataZip); $cmd = 'unzip -p ' . escapeshellarg($scanDataZip) . ' scandata.xml'; exec($cmd, $output, $retval); if ($retval != 0) { $this->BRFatal("Could not unzip ScanData!"); } $dump = join("\n", $output); $scanData = simplexml_load_string($dump); } else if (file_exists("$itemPath/scandata.xml")) { // For e.g. Scribe v.0 books! $scanData = simplexml_load_file("$itemPath/scandata.xml"); } else { $this->BRFatal("ScanData file not found!"); } $metaDataFile = "$itemPath/{$id}_meta.xml"; if (!file_exists($metaDataFile)) { $this->BRFatal("MetaData file not found!"); } $metaData = simplexml_load_file($metaDataFile); /* Find pages by type */ $titleLeaf = ''; $coverLeafs = array(); foreach ($scanData->pageData->page as $page) { if (("Title Page" == $page->pageType) || ("Title" == $page->pageType)) { if ('' == $titleLeaf) { // not already set $titleLeaf = "{$page['leafNum']}"; } } if (('Cover' == $page->pageType) || ('Cover Page' == $page->pageType)) { array_push($coverLeafs, $page['leafNum']); } } // These arrays map accessible page index numbers to width, height, scanned leaf numbers // and page number strings (NB: these may not be unique) $pageWidths = array(); $pageHeights = array(); $leafNums = array(); $i=0; $totalHeight = 0; foreach ($scanData->pageData->page as $page) { if ($this->shouldAddPage($page)) { $pageWidths[$i] = intval($page->cropBox->w); $pageHeights[$i] = intval($page->cropBox->h); $totalHeight += intval($page->cropBox->h/4) + 10; $leafNums[$i] = intval($page['leafNum']); $pageNums[$i] = $page->pageNumber . ''; $i++; } } # Load some values from meta.xml foreach ($this->metaFields as $srcName => $destName) { if ($metaData->{$srcName}) { $response[$destName] = $metaData->{$srcName} . ''; } else { if (array_key_exists($destName, $this->metaDefaults)) { $response[$destName] = $this->metaDefaults[$destName]; } } } // General metadata $response['numPages'] = count($pageNums); // $$$ renamed if ('' != $titleLeaf) { $response['titleLeaf'] = $titleLeaf; // $$$ change to titleIndex - do leaf mapping here $titleIndex = $this->indexForLeaf($titleLeaf, $leafNums); if ($titleIndex !== NULL) { $response['titleIndex'] = intval($titleIndex); } } $response['url'] = "$id"; $response['pageWidths'] = $pageWidths; $response['pageHeights'] = $pageHeights; $response['pageNums'] = $pageNums; // Internet Archive specific $response['itemId'] = $id; // $$$ renamed $response['subPrefix'] = $subPrefix; // $$$ renamed $response['itemPath'] = $itemPath; $response['zip'] = $imageStackFile; $response['server'] = $server; $response['imageFormat'] = $imageFormat; $response['archiveFormat'] = $archiveFormat; $response['leafNums'] = $leafNums; $response['previewImage'] = $this->previewURL('preview', $response); // URL to title image if ('' != $titleLeaf) { $response['titleImage'] = $this->previewURL('title', $response); } if (count($coverLeafs) > 0) { $coverIndices = array(); $coverImages = array(); foreach ($coverLeafs as $key => $leafNum) { array_push($coverIndices, $this->indexForLeaf($leafNum, $leafNums)); // $$$ TODO use preview API once it supports multiple covers array_push($coverImages, $this->imageUrl($leafNum, $response)); } $response['coverIndices'] = $coverIndices; $response['coverImages'] = $coverImages; } return $response; } function emitResponse($metadata) { $callback = $_REQUEST['callback']; $contentType = 'application/json'; // default if ($callback) { if (! $this->isValidCallback($callback) ) { $this->BRfatal("Invalid callback"); } $contentType = 'text/javascript'; // JSONP is not JSON } header('Content-type: ' . $contentType . ';charset=UTF-8'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); // allow cross-origin requests if ($callback) { print $callback . '( '; } print json_encode($metadata); if ($callback) { print ' );'; } } function BRFatal($string) { // $$$ TODO log error throw new Exception("Metadata error: $string"); //echo "alert('$string');\n"; //die(-1); } // Returns true if a page should be added based on it's information in // the metadata function shouldAddPage($page) { // Return false only if the page is marked addToAccessFormats false. // If there is no assertion we assume it should be added. if (isset($page->addToAccessFormats)) { if ("false" == strtolower(trim($page->addToAccessFormats))) { return false; } } return true; } // Returns { 'imageFormat' => , 'archiveFormat' => '} given a sub-item prefix and loaded xml data function findImageStack($subPrefix, $filesData) { // The order of the image formats determines which will be returned first $imageFormats = array('JP2' => 'jp2', 'TIFF' => 'tif', 'JPEG' => 'jpg'); $imageFormatOrder = array_values($imageFormats); $archiveFormats = array('ZIP' => 'zip', 'Tar' => 'tar'); $imageGroup = implode('|', array_keys($imageFormats)); $archiveGroup = implode('|', array_keys($archiveFormats)); // $$$ Currently only return processed images $imageStackRegex = "/Single Page (Processed) (${imageGroup}) (${archiveGroup})/"; // Strategy: // - Find potential image stacks, regardless of subPrefix // - If not given subPrefix sort based on potential subPrefix and assign based on asciibetical first // - Filter results by subPrefix // - Sort based on image format // - Take best match $imageStacks = array(); foreach ($filesData->file as $file) { if ( preg_match($imageStackRegex, $file->format, $matches) === 1 ) { $imageFormat = $imageFormats[$matches[2]]; $archiveFormat = $archiveFormats[$matches[3]]; $imageStackFile = $file['name'] . ''; if ( preg_match("#(.*)_${imageFormat}\.${archiveFormat}#", $imageStackFile, $matches) === 0) { // stack filename not regular continue; } else { array_push($imageStacks, array( 'imageFormat' => $imageFormat, 'archiveFormat' => $archiveFormat, 'imageStackFile' => $imageStackFile, 'subPrefix' => $matches[1]) ); } } } // print("
        // print("found subPrefix $subPrefix\n");
        // print_r($imageStacks);
        // die(0);
        function subPrefixSort($imageStackA, $imageStackB) {
            return strcmp($imageStackA['subPrefix'], $imageStackB['subPrefix']);
        if (! $subPrefix) {
            usort($imageStacks, 'subPrefixSort');
            $subPrefix = $imageStacks[0]['subPrefix'];
        self::$cbData = $subPrefix;
        function subPrefixFilter($imageStack) {
            return $imageStack['subPrefix'] == BookReaderMeta::$cbData;
        $imageStacks = array_filter($imageStacks, 'subPrefixFilter');
        function formatSort($imageStackA, $imageStackB) {
            $formatA = $imageStackA['imageFormat'];
            $formatB = $imageStackB['imageFormat'];
            if ($formatA == $formatB) {
                return 0;
            $indexA = array_search($formatA, $imageFormatOrder);
            $indexB = array_search($formatB, $imageFormatOrder);
            // We already matched base on format, so both indices should be set
            if ($indexA == $indexB) {
                return 0;
            return ($indexA < $indexB) ? 1 : -1;
        usort($imageStacks, 'formatSort'); // necessary to remap keys
        if ( count($imageStacks) > 0 ) {
            return $imageStacks[0];
        } else {
            return array('imageFormat' => 'unknown', 'archiveFormat' => 'unknown', 'imageStackFile' => 'unknown');
    function isValidCallback($identifier) {
        $pattern = '/^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$/';
        return preg_match($pattern, $identifier) == 1;
    function indexForLeaf($leafNum, $leafNums) {
        $key = array_search($leafNum, $leafNums);
        if ($key === FALSE) {
            return NULL;
        } else {
            return $key;
    function leafForIndex($index, $leafNums) {
        return $leafNums[$index]; // $$$ todo change to instance variables
    function imageURL($leafNum, $metadata, $scale = null, $rotate = null) {
        // "Under the hood", non-public, dynamically changing (achtung!) image URLs currently look like:
        // http://{server}/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip={zipPath}&file={filePath}&scale={scale}&rotate={rotate}
        // e.g.
        $filePath = $this->imageFilePath($leafNum, $metadata['subPrefix'], $metadata['imageFormat']);
        $url = 'http://' . $metadata['server'] . '/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=' . $metadata['zip'] . '&file=' . $filePath;
        if ($scale !== null) {
            $url .= '&scale=' . $scale;
        if ($rotate !== null) {
            $url .= '&rotate=' . $rotate;
        return $url;
    // $$$ move inside BookReaderPreview
    function previewURL($page, $metadata) {
        $query = array(
            'id' => $metadata['itemId'],
            'subPrefix' => $metadata['subPrefix'],
            'itemPath' => $metadata['itemPath'],
            'server' => $metadata['server'],
            'page' => $page,
        return 'http://' . $metadata['server'] . '/BookReader/BookReaderPreview.php?' . http_build_query($query, '', '&');
    function imageFilePath($leafNum, $subPrefix, $format) {
        $pathParts = pathinfo($subPrefix);
        $almostIdentifier = $pathParts['basename'];
        return sprintf("%s_%s/%s_%04d.%s", $almostIdentifier, $format, $almostIdentifier, intval($leafNum), $format);
    // Parse date from _meta.xml to integer
    function parseYear($dateFromMetaXML) {
        // grab the first run of digits
        if (preg_match('|(\d+)|', $dateFromMetaXML, $matches)) {
            return (int)$matches[1];
        return null;
    function processRequest($requestEnv) {
        $id = $requestEnv['itemId']; // $$$ renamed
        $itemPath = $requestEnv['itemPath'];
        $subPrefix = $requestEnv['subPrefix']; // $$$ renamed
        $server = $requestEnv['server'];
        // Check if we're on a dev vhost and point to JSIA in the user's public_html on the datanode
        // $$$ TODO consolidate this logic
        $devHosts = array('testflip', 'rkumar', 'mang');
        foreach ($devHosts as $host) {
            if (strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/~' . $host) === 0) { // Serving out of home dir
                $server .= ':80/' . $host;
        $this->emitResponse( $this->buildMetadata($id, $itemPath, $subPrefix, $server) );
    function checkPrivs($filename) {
        if (!is_readable($filename)) {
            header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');


Error serving request:
  Image error: Image stack does not exist at 

Debugging information:
#0 /var/www/html/openreader/Holandia_1926/BookReaderIA/datanode/ BookReaderImages->BRfatal()
#1 /var/www/html/openreader/Holandia_1926/BookReaderIA/datanode/BookReaderImages.php(38): BookReaderImages->serveRequest()
#2 {main}